Designer Sheets #2
Designer Sheets #2
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This book shows you more ways to break free from the palette of manufacturer's solid colors and factory streakies by creating your own glass designs using these techniques. Step-by-step details in this second of two books on making custom sheet glass will open endless possibilities.
From 'positive' stencil techniques to unique uses for textured glass to more ways of using water to create wonderful patterns, you'll learn how to make work that is more orginal than you ever dreamed possible. Each project tutorial shows you how to create a unique piece of glass and then include it in a finished project.
The material in this ebook is suitable for all levels of experience. Designer Sheets #1 is not required to complete the techniques in this book. Clear step-by-step descriptions, color photographs, and necessary schedules will guide you as you learn.
64 Page eBook ♦ 179 Images